Play it loud !

Hi !!!

Yes I’m gone but “Play it loud” will continue for you.  This week, Sté present  :

and 3 special tracks “Premio Giovanni Cleis”     – Good luck to you -  :

Play it loud and enjoy !

LES HIVERNALES… how cool was that!

All good things come to an end… so it’s with a heavy heart that we say: C U NEXT YEAR FOLKS!!!


Les Hivernales ladies & gentlemen is one of the finest things that winter brings to the music lovers in good old Switzerland.

4 days of rock’n'beat in plenty of different venues all over the lovely town of Nyon, with worldwide known acts but also great local bands and artists.

Here’s the proof (our special correspondent Onésia made some great pics we’d like to share with you):


Rootwords won the Swiss Live Talents URBAN AWARD in 2013!!!
This brought him to New York in october 2014, where he performed several shows at the CMJ festival…

He took the opportunity to shoot a video in the streets of Brooklyn & here it is.

Enjoy folks! It’s called THE BOX:

PS: you can still register for Swiss Live Talents until 14.2.2015… & as you can see, it’s worth a try!!!