Tag Archives: new features

New Mx3-functions: Browse the new uploads and On Airs of each style!

Are you enjoying your evening, folks?

There are so many new options on Mx3.ch! You can now browse the different ON AIRs/New Songs/New Videos and Stats of each music style!

Vielleicht machst du ja heute Abend eine erstaunliche neue musikalische Entdeckung?! Wer’s nicht versucht, wird’s nie herausfinden.

I just discovered one:  ON AIR on SRF3, from Obwalden Jolly & the Flytrap – Arche Nova


20140508_Screenshot Stats FolkGeniesst ihr den Abend?

Das neue Mx3.ch hat so viele verbesserte Funktionen! Jetzt kann man durch die neuen ON AIRs/Lieder/Videos und Stats jedes Musikstils klicken.

Vielleicht machst du ja heute Abend eine erstaunliche neue musikalische Entdeckung?! Wer’s nicht versucht, wird’s nie herausfinden.

Ich hab schon was gefunden: Ein ON AIR auf SRF3, aus Obwalden Jolly & the Flytrap – Arche Nova


20140508_Screenshot Stats FolkBonsoir les amis!

Il y a beaucoup de nouvelles fonctions sur Mx3.ch! Vous pouvez chercher les différents  morceaux ON AIRs, les nouvelles vidéos et les statistiques pour chaque style!

Peut-être que vous ferez de belles découvertes ce soir? Tentez le coup!

Moi, j’ai découvert cela: le morceau “Arche Nova” des Obwaldiens Jolly & the Flytrap, qui est ON AIR sur SRF 3.


20140508_Screenshot Stats FolkCome va gente?

Ci sono un sacco di nuove opzioni su Mx3.ch! Ad esempio puoi scoprire in nuovi ON AIR/brani/video ecc. a seconda dello stile musicale!

Potresti scoprire il tuo nuovo pezzo preferito?! Se non ci provi non no saprai mai.

Io ho già fatto una bella scoperta: ON AIR su Couleur 3, da Obwaldo Jolly & the Flytrap – Arche Nova


Hey baby… what's your STYLE?

I like folk music a lot, also rock and pop… but sometimes I just need to funk my ears up or to chill out with a classy jazz tune!

And you?

Are you a hip hop freak? You dig world music…

The new version of Mx3 allows you (finally…:-) to navigate per genre. Start your musical journey by selecting your favourite style on the home page and you’ll discover the new on airs, great selections, last registered bands, uploaded singles and much more… all related to the style of music you selected! Isn’t it a gas?!?!?!

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Have fun! And don’t forget to make a playlist of your favourite tunes…


The new Mx3 player doesn’t care if you feed it audio or video files… you know that already, don’t you?

But there’s more… the mini-player on the top right may be small but it’s also very smart.

First of all your playback history is updated live and you can skip back and forth between the titles you listened to.

If you click on a video and start watching it but then decide to navigate away from the page, your player will keep on playing the music back to you and if you get back to the video page you’ll be able to carry on watching from the right spot!!!

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