Unity is strength! That’s why the radio stations decided to join to support one song all together: SRF 3 Couleur 3 RETE TRE Radio Rumantsch SRF Virus The 5 founding radio stations of join their forces and launch “Mx3 – ALL FOR 1”! A common project that represents a great opportunity for Swiss artists,… Continue reading MX3 ALL FOR 1

New Mx3-functions: Browse the new uploads and On Airs of each style!

Are you enjoying your evening, folks? There are so many new options on! You can now browse the different ON AIRs/New Songs/New Videos and Stats of each music style! Vielleicht machst du ja heute Abend eine erstaunliche neue musikalische Entdeckung?! Wer’s nicht versucht, wird’s nie herausfinden. I just discovered one:  ON AIR on SRF3,… Continue reading New Mx3-functions: Browse the new uploads and On Airs of each style!