Monthly Archives: February 2015

Play it loud !

Durty Cat

“Play it loud” present some new tracks… good sound… have a look !

Durty Cat

“Play it loud” present some new tracks… cooler sound… have a look !

Durty Cat

De nouveaux morceaux sont dans “Play it loud”… du bon son … have a look !

Durty Cat

“Play it loud” present some new tracks… good sound… have a look !

Play it loud !

5A new week begins – some new tracks for u, with :

Play it loud and enjoy it !

See you next week 😉5Eine neue Woche beginnt – Hier neue Tracks für dich , mit :

Play it loud and enjoy it !

Bis nächste Woche 😉5Une nouvelle semaine commence – voici les derniers ajouts, pour toi :

Play it loud and enjoy it !

A la semaine prochaine 😉5A new week begins – some new tracks for u, with :

Play it loud and enjoy it !

See you next week 😉


Rootwords won the Swiss Live Talents URBAN AWARD in 2013!!!
This brought him to New York in october 2014, where he performed several shows at the CMJ festival…

He took the opportunity to shoot a video in the streets of Brooklyn & here it is.

Enjoy folks! It’s called THE BOX:

PS: you can still register for Swiss Live Talents until 14.2.2015… & as you can see, it’s worth a try!!!Rootwords gewann den URBAN AWARD der Swiss Live Talents 2013!!!
Dies brachte ihn nach New York im Oktober 2014, wo er mehrere Konzerte im Rahmen des CMJ Festivals spielen konnte…

Er nutzte die Gelegenheit, um ein Video in den Strassen von Brooklyn zu drehen & here it is.

Enjoy it folks! It’s called THE BOX:

PS: Du kannst dich bis am 14.2.2015 für die näschsten Swiss Live Talents anmelden… & wie Du sehen kannst, lohnt es sich!!!Rootwords a remporté le URBAN AWARD aux Swiss Live Talents 2013!!!
Grâce à cela il est parti à New York en octobre 2014, où il a pu jouer plusieurs fois dans le cadre du festival CMJ…

Il en a profité pour tourner une vidéo dans les rues de Brooklyn & here it is.

Enjoy it folks! It’s called THE BOX:

PS: tu peux encore t’inscire au Swiss Live Talents jusqu’au 14.2.1205… & comme tu peux le constater, ça vaut la peine!!!Rootwords ha vinto l’URBAN AWARD dello Swiss Live Talents nel 2013!!!
Questo lo ha portato a New York nel mese di ottobre 2014, dove si ha potuto dare diversi concerti nell’ambito del festival CMJ…

Ha colto l’occasione per girare un video per le strade di Brooklyn & here it is.

Enjoy it folks! It’s called THE BOX:

PS: puoi ancora iscriverti allo Swiss Live Talents fino al 14.2.2015… & come vedi, vale la pena!!!

Play it loud !

pyloneHey you !

My selection for this week is :

Peace, Love and Play it loud!pyloneHey you !

Mein Auswahl für diese Woche:

Peace, Love and Play it loud!pyloneHey you !

Ma sélection de la semaine :

Peace, Love and Play it loud! 

pyloneHey you !

My selection for this week is :

Peace, Love and Play it loud!

Play it loud !


Mx3 wishes you a great musical week with:

Enjoy 🙂 See u next monday !


Mx3 wünscht euch eine gute und musikalische Woche mit:

Enjoy 🙂 Bis zum nächsten Montag!


Mx3 vous souhaite une excellent et musicale semaine avec :

Enjoy 🙂 A lundi prochain !


Mx3 wishes you a great musical week with:

Enjoy 🙂 See u next monday !